Saturday, 4 September 2010

I don't know what to call this post...

Catchy title I know!
So, for days and days, I get no post.. well except from a Jack Daniels letter with a leather card holder haha BUT today I received two parcels and three letters! My parents received nothing haha.
The letters were: an invitation to a friends 18th, a ring sizer and a letter from a creative artsy University because they have seen from UCAS that I'm interested in creative subjects. Yeah I am, but I don't want to do a whole degree on it! Nice thought anyway Bangor University :)

Ok so a few posts ago I told you guys I won an Accessorize competition. Here is the prize!

(Yes that is a rolled up sock to your right) It's very pretty. It's a little different to what I'd normally wear because I wear short dresses.. doesn't that make me sound classy? haha

Next up is the Sleek competition prize:

Ta daaaaa! So far the brushes are very soft and dense. I will use them for a week, wash them and then use them for a week again before I review them for you guys. Sleek will be announcing soon how much it will cost. I have no idea because when you think that ELF sell 11 brushes for £38.50 and this set contains 21 brushes.. but I don't think it'll be that expensive and it'll probably work out cheaper than buying the brushes from ELF.

Thank you for reading! :)


  1. The brushes look amazing - can't wait to buy them.
    The dress is really pretty aswell, :) x

  2. oo the dress looks gorgeous on you!
    & the brush kit looks pretty impressive :)

  3. i so want those brushes badly!i love your outfit you look gorgeous sweetie:)

  4. You win so many prizes! aha, but well done all the same!!

  5. Well done on the prizes! The dress is so pretty :) x

  6. congrats on your prizes! loving the look of the sleek brushes and am in love with the brush belt holder! can't wait to see a review on them =) xx

  7. Ah i can't wait for the brushes to come out in the shops! Love the dress. Well done you!


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